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Designing and Demonstrating New Intelligence Software in Cloud Computing with use of Kalman Filtering
Mehdi Khodadadi
Vol. 17 No. 7 pp. 226-230
Cloud Computing, E-Health, Kalman Filtering.
Investigating the Role of Social Robot in improving diabetic Children Management and awareness
Dr.Mohammed Alotaibi
Vol. 17 No. 9 pp. 121-126
m-health social Robot, Type 1 diabetes telemedicine e-health.
IoT in Health-care: Recent Advances in the Development of Smart Cyber-Physical Ubiquitous Environments
Abdulaziz A. Albesher
Vol. 19 No. 2 pp. 181-186
Ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things, Internet of Healthcare Things, pervasive networks, e-health
Improving Public Medical and Social Services Market Management: Application of Information Technologies
Anastasiia Barzylovych, Olena Malinina, Ganna Gnyloskurenko, Iryna Borysiuk, Rayisa Yuriy
Vol. 21 No. 7 pp. 257-266
information technologies, information support, public authorities, public administration, e-Health, market of medical and social services, e - government.