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Energy Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
Backhyun Kim, Iksoo Kim
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 201~207
Routing, cluster, energy-aware, connectivity, wireless sensor networks
A Study of Connectivity Index of Graph Relevant to Ad Hoc Networks
M.A.Rajan, M.Girish Chandra, Lokanatha C. Reddy, Prakash Hiremath
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 198-203
Connectivity Index, graph, MANETs, graph, connectivity, Randi? index, network topology
Minimum Energy Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mohammed Tarique, Rumana Islam
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 304-311
Wireless Network, minimum energy, transmit power, cross layer, connectivity
Topological and Energy Analysis of K? Connected MANETs: A Semi-Analytical Approach
M.A.Rajan, M.Girish Chandra, Lokanatha C. Reddy, Prakash S. Hiremath
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 199-207
K-connectivity, graph energy, network energy, routing, connectivity index