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A new method for community detection in social networks based on message distribution
Seyed Saeid Hoseini, Seyed Hamid Abbasi
Vol. 17 No. 5 pp. 298-308
social networks analysis, community detection, clustering
A new link prediction method for improving security in social networks
Kasra Majbouri Yazdi, Adel Majbouri Yazdi, Saeid Khodayi , Jiaojiao Jiang and Saeed Saedy
Vol. 18 No. 5 pp. 84-91
Link prediction, community detection, Social networks, social network security
Selection of Community Detection Features In?uencing Negative Emotional Contagion on Twitter
Hatoon Al Sagria, Mourad Ykhlef
Vol. 19 No. 9 pp. 29-39
Negative emotions, contagion, Twitter, feature selection, community detection, genetic algorithm.