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Problems of Gender Parity in the State Administration System: Conceptual and Empirical Aspects
Zoia Kireieva, Karinna Sardaryan, Yuliya Voytsekhovska, Igor Britchenko, Viktoria Samoilenko, Yuliia Popova
Vol. 22 No. 2 pp. 369-375
Feminism, Gender, Gender Parity, Public Administration, Structure of Public Administration.
The Mechanism of Labor Motivation as a Determinant of Economic Security of Enterprises in Competitive Conditions
Volodymyr Lagodiienko, Viktoria Samoilenko, Maryna Pasko, Larysa Ovod, Yevgeniy Matsulevych
Vol. 22 No. 2 pp. 385-393
mechanism, work motivation, economic security of the enterprise. Competitiveness, efficiency of the enterprise.
State Regulation of Banking Business in the Context of Social and Digital Transformation of the Economy
Nadiya Rushchyshyn, Oksana Kulinich, Olha Tvorydlo, Alexander Mikhailov, Viktoria Samoilenko
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 67-72
Banking business, Economy, Economic growth, State regulation, Financial sector.