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Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Framework using Data from Social Media Network
Saad Ahmed, Saman Hina, Eric Atwell, Farrukh Ahmed
Vol. 17 No. 7 pp. 100-105
Social networks, Sentiment analysis, TF-IDF, Data mining, Recommender system.
Ontology Based Document Data Analysis
Ambreen Zafar, Muhammad Awais and Muhammad Ahmad Aftab
Vol. 18 No. 11 pp. 42-48
Clustering, Ontology, WordNet, Concept Weight, TF-IDF
Determining Feature-Size for Text to Numeric Conversion based on BOW and TF-IDF
Hasan J. Alyamani
Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 283-287
Machine Learning, Supervised and Un-Supervised Learning, TF-IDF, BOW
Detection of Depression Trends in Literary Cyber Writers Using Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning
Faiza Nasir, Haseeb Ahmad, CM Nadeem Faisal, Qaisar Abbas, Mubarak Albathan, Ayyaz Hussain
Vol. 23 No. 3 pp. 67-80
Depression detection; SentiStrength; TF-IDF; N-Gram; Classification; Machine Learning; Sentiment Analysis