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Two steps Doppler compensation Algorithm from moving AUV to AUV/Mother Ship for OFDM-based UWA communication system
Mohammad Ariful Hoq, Shiho Oshiro, and Tomohisa Wada
Vol. 20 No. 12 pp. 272-278
Underwater Acoustic Communication, OFDM. Autonomous Underwater vehicle, Doppler compensation
Underwater Acoustic Mavlink Communication for Swarming AUVS
Yukiko Muller, Shiho Oshiro, Takuma Motohara, Atsushi Kinjo, Taisaku Suzuki, Tomohisa Wada
Vol. 21 No. 4 pp. 277-283
UWA, Swarming AUVs, MAVLink, RaspberryPi, OFDM
Underwater GPS System for Autonomous Underwater Wireless Drone Control
Yukiko Muller, Shiho Oshiro, Shigeo Nakagawa, and Tomohisa Wada
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 817-823
Underwater GPS, Underwater Positioning, Underwater Communications, Underwater applications
Channel Transfer Function estimation based on Delay and Doppler Profiler for 5G System Receiver targeting 500km/h linear motor car
Suguru Kuniyoshi, Shiho Oshiro, Gennan Hayashi, and Tomohisa Wada4
Vol. 23 No. 5 pp. 121-126
5G, 5th Generation Mobile Communication System, Channel estimation