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Highly Selective Miniaturized Integrated Ceramic Waveguide filters for Cellular Base Station
Zubair Ahmed, Muhammad Y. Sandhu, Sharjeel Afridi
Vol. 18 No. 11 pp. 141-144
Dielectric resonators, monolithic integrated filter, Miniaturization, Transmission zeros.
Convergence Analysis of Real-World Noisy Images in Blind Denoising
Gulsher Ali, Junaid Ahmed, Bilal Tirmizi, Sharjeel Afridi
Vol. 19 No. 2 pp. 176-180
Blind denoising real-world noisy images correlation based sparse representation.
Joint Estimation and Compensation of Channel and Phase Noise in MIMO-OFDM Systems
Muahmmad Asim Ali, Sharjeel Afridi and Abdul Aziz Memon
Vol. 19 No. 3 pp. 36-41
Channel Estimation, MIMO-OFDM, Phase Noise.
Optical MC-CDMA System for IM/DD based Optical Wireless Communications
Waheed ur Rehman, Asadullah Laghari, Muhammad Asim Ali and Sharjeel Afridi
Vol. 19 No. 3 pp. 68-73
Optical Wireless Communication, Optical MC-CDMA, Optical OFDM, Visible Light Communication