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Cell Division Approach for Search Space in Reinforcement Learning
Akira Notsu, Hiroyuki Wada, Katsuhiro Honda, Hidetomo Ichihashi
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 18-21
Reinforcement Learning, Q-Learning, Cell Division, Agent Simulation
Q-Learning applied to the problem of scheduling on heterogeneous architectures
Younes Hajoui, Omar Bouattane, Mohamed Youssfi and Elhocein Illoussamen
Vol. 18 No. 2 pp. 153-159
Job scheduling, Grid Computing, Distributed System, Multi-Agent system, Load balancer, Q-learning.
The Development of an Intelligent Home Energy Management System Integrated with a Vehicle-to-Home Unit using a Reinforcement Learning Approach
Ohoud Almughram, Sami Ben Slama, and Bassam Zafar
Vol. 24 No. 4 pp. 87-106
Deep Learning, Home Energy Management System, Q-learning, Reinforcement Learning, 18 Solar Photovoltaic, Vehicle-to-Home
Q-Learning Based Method to Secure Mobile Agents and Choose the Safest Path in a IoT Environment
Badr Eddine Sabir, Mohamed Youssfi, Omar Bouattane, and Hakim Allali
Vol. 24 No. 10 pp. 71-80
IoT; q-learning; blockchain; ethereum; smart contract; solidity; PKI; multi-agent systems; mobile agents.