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Comparative Study of Score Functions for Edge Orientation Problem in Network Estimation
Hitoshi Afuso, Takeo Okazaki, Morikazu Nakamura
Vol. 12 No. 9 pp. 32-38
TRNs estimation, Edge Orientation Problem, Bayesian score functions, PageRank Orientation Metric
Presenting a Way to Improve Web Page Ranking Algorithm Using Firefly Algorithm
Fariba karimi, Damavand, Ali Harounabadi, Seyed javad mirabedini
Vol. 16 No. 12 pp. 37-42
Web mining, ranking, PageRank algorithm, fireflyy colony algorithm
Improved PageRank algorithm using structural web mining techniques and bee colony algorithm
Helen Namaki, Ali Harounabadi and Seyed Javad Mirabedini
Vol. 17 No. 10 pp. 250-255
Search engine, Page ranking, Web mining, PageRank, Bee colony.