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Detection of Levels of Blood Sugar Using Simple IoT Based Breath Analysis
Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar, Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Otoom, Dr. Mutasim Al Sadig , Dr. Nandini . N
Vol. 20 No. 8 pp. 21-29
Breath Analysis, Internet of Things (IoT), Acetone, Ketone, Diabetes mellitus , Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), Smart Devices.
Developing a Prediction Model Using J48 Algorithm to Predict Symptoms of COVID-19 Causing Death
Dr. Mutasim Al Sadig, Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar
Vol. 20 No. 8 pp. 80-83
COVID-19, Coronavirus Symptoms, Data Mining, Decision Tree, Classification, WEKA
Innovative Model of Conference Attendance Process Reengineering at Majmaah University
Yousef. K Qawqzeh, Mutasim Al Sadig, and Mafawez Alharbi
Vol. 20 No. 11 pp. 124-130
Process reengineering; Procedural reengineering; Algorithm; Modelling; Procedural requirements
Digital Doc A Voice-Based Disease Prediction System
Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar, Ahsan Ahmed, Dr. Mutasim Al Sadig
Vol. 22 No. 1 pp. 375-382
Speech-to-text; Meta-algorithm; Machine learning model; Medical chatbot; Na?ve Bayes; Convolutional Neural Networks.