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A Proposed Decision Tree Classifier for Atherosclerosis Prediction and Classification
Yousef K Qawqzeh, Mohammad Mahmood Otoom, Fayez Al-Fayez, Ibrahim Almarashdeh, Mutasem Alsmadi, Ghaith Jaradat
Vol. 19 No. 12 pp. 197-202
Atherosclerosis Photoplethysmogram Classification Decision tree Prediction.
Detection of Levels of Blood Sugar Using Simple IoT Based Breath Analysis
Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar, Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Otoom, Dr. Mutasim Al Sadig , Dr. Nandini . N
Vol. 20 No. 8 pp. 21-29
Breath Analysis, Internet of Things (IoT), Acetone, Ketone, Diabetes mellitus , Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), Smart Devices.