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A Feature Selection Methods Based on Concept Extraction and SOM Text Clustering Analysis
Lin Wang, Minghu Jiang, Shasha Liao, Yinghua Lu
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 20~28
Concept Attributes, Self-Organizing Map, Clustering, Text Classification
An Immune Evolution Multiobjective Algorithm
Chen Guangzhu, Li Zhishu, Cheng zhiHong, Zhai yusheng
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 91~98
Artificial immune system, Multiobjective optimization, Lifecycle of immune cells, Neighbor crowded algorithm, Convergence metric, Diversity metric
An Immune Algorithm based on the Complement Activation Pathway
Chen Guangzhu, Li Zhishu, Yuan Daohua, Nimazhaxi, Zhai yusheng
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 147~152
Artificial immune system, Complement system, Immune complement algorithm, Cleave operator, Bind operator
The Semi-automated DNA Computing Model for solving the Satisfiability Problem
Yin Zhixiang, Cui Jianzhong, Shi Xiaohong, Pan Linqiang
Vol. 6 No. 1 pp. 163~167
The satisfiability problem, SAT problem, DNA computing, Semi-automated equipment