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Robust Legendre Moments Ellipse Fitting from Noisy Image
Hassan Qjidaa, Abdeljabbar. Cherkaoui, Sanae. Benzoubir, Anas. El Affar, Khalid. Firdouss
Vol. 8 No. 10 pp. 47-53
Ellipse fitting, Legendre moments, Probability density function, Maximum Entropy Principal, least squares
Reconstructing an image by blocks with Legendre Moments
Sanaa El Mrini, Mohammed Hamri
Vol. 11 No. 8 pp. 119-122
Orthogonal Legendre moments, Zernike Moments, Moment Invariants
Neural Network Classifiers for Off-line Optical Handwritten Amazighe Character Recognition
Mohamed Abaynarh, Hakim Elfadili, Khalid Zenkouar, Lahbib Zenkouar
Vol. 12 No. 6 pp. 28-36
Character recognition, Amazighe characters, Legendre moments, neural networks