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A Learning Method based on Hopfield Neural Network and Its application in Point-feature Labeling Placement Problem
Zheng He, Koichi Harada
Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 10-16
Constraint optimization, Hopfield neural network, Learning method, Point-feature labeling placement
A Comparative Study of Effective Supervised Learning Methods on Arabic Text Classification
Rachid Sammouda
Vol. 17 No. 12 pp. 130-133
Text Classification of Arabic documents, Supervised Learning Methods, Arabic Light Stemmer, and Weka Tool.
Comprehensive Analysis on Human Emotion Recognition using EEG and Facial Video Clips
Farah Mohammad
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 439-462
Deep learning methods; EEG signals; Human-Computer Interactions; HCI; Handcrafted methods
A Random Forest-based Approach for Automated Heart Diagnosis from Cardiac Tomography Data
Amerah Alabrah
Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 769-777
Myocardial perfusion imaging, SPECT tomography images, Random forest algorithm, 10-fold cross-validation technique, machine learning methods.