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An Investigation of Significant Object Recognition Techniques
V.N. Pawar, Sanjay N. Talbar
Vol. 9 No. 5 pp. 17-29
Object Recognition, Object Model, Features, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Columbia Object Image Library (COIL-20), Accuracy, False Positives
Comparative Analysis of Different Machine Learning Models for Estimating the Population Growth Rate in Data-Limited Area.
Mohammad Mahmood Otoom , Mahdi Jemmali, Yousef Qawqzeh, Khalid Nazim S. A. and Fayez Al Fayez
Vol. 19 No. 12 pp. 96-101
Machine Learning, Population Growth rate, k-nearest neighbors, decision tree, random forest, artificial neural network.
Intelligent System for the Prediction of Heart Diseases Using Machine Learning Algorithms with Anew Mixed Feature Creation (MFC) technique
Rawia Elarabi, Abdelrahman Elsharif Karrar, Murtada El-mukashfi El-taher
Vol. 23 No. 5 pp. 147-161
machine learning; Classification; random forest; SVM; feature selection; cardiovascular; heart disease; LASSO feature selection; RFE-RF feature selection; K-nearest neighbors; AdaBoost