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Content Based Image Retrieval Using Independent Component Analysis
Arti Khaparde, B.L.Deekshatulu, M.Madhavilatha, Zakira Farheen, Sandhya Kumari V
Vol. 8 No. 4 pp. 327-332
CBIR, Gabor Wavelets, ICA, Similarity measurements
Comparative Evaluation of Various Independent Components (ICA) Tech for the removal of artifacts of EEG Signals
B.Paulchamy, Ilavennila, J.Jaya, R.Saravanakumar
Vol. 10 No. 3 pp. 226-234
Artifacts, EEG Signal, Fast ICA, JADE, BCI, Infomax, Entropy
A Web Based Intelligent Tutoring System(WBITS)
Ahmed S. Salama
Vol. 11 No. 8 pp. 107-111
Intelligent Systems, Multi-Tiered educational Systems, Tutoring Systems, Web Applications, ICAI model, Distant Learning Introduction
Face Detection and Recognition Using Ada Boost-ICA Algorithm
K.Somashekar, Puttamadappa.C
Vol. 13 No. 4 pp. 8-12
ADA, Face Detection, ICA, Recognition, PCA