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A Hybrid Model to Detect Phishing-Sites using Clustering and Bayesian Approach
Bhushan Dasharath Dhamdhere, Kaushal Sudhakar Dhonde, Rohit Gopal Chinchwade
Vol. 15 No. 1 pp. 92-95
Anti Phishing Technique, Bayesian Approach, Data Mining, Database Clustering, Hybrid Model, and Phishing Attack
Modelling Civic Problem-Solving in Smart City Using Knowledge-Based Crowdsourcing
Syed M. Ali Kamal, Nadeem Kafi, Fahad Samad, Hassan Jamil Syed, Muhammad Nauman Durrani
Vol. 23 No. 8 pp. 146-158
Human Computation; Machine Computation; Crowdsourcing; Knowledge Space; Hybrid Model; Smart City.
IoT Malware Detection Using Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms
SUAAD Mohammed Alanzi and Dr. Abdullah J. Alzahrani
Vol. 24 No. 12 pp. 1-17
IoT, Malware Detection, Deep Learning, Hybrid Models, CNN, RNN-LSTM, NSL-KDD, IoT-23, Cybersecurity.