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A Method in Applying Psychology to Multimedia Design and HCI Education
Idyawati Hussein, Esmadi Abu Abu Seman, Mohd. Hairy Mohamaddiah
Vol. 9 No. 12 pp. 134-142
Human information processing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), cognitive advisor, multimedia systems, bottleneck, Malaysia
A Proposed Touchless Hand-Gesture and Voice Based Model Eliminating COVID-19 Infection Risk While Using ATM Machines
Farhan Alebeisat, Zaid T. Alhalhouli, Hassan A. Yacoub, Mohammad Alsaaydeh and Hazim Al-Rawashdeh2
Vol. 22 No. 3 pp. 489-494
Vision-based, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Hand-gesture, COVID-19, Computer-vision (CV)