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Computer Simulation of Pore?Throat Ratio on the Features of Flow Configuration of Permeability in Tightly Compressed Porous Matrix
Zulqarnen Asadullah Baloch, Syed Baqer Shah, Hisamuddin Shaikh, Mahera Erum Baloch
Vol. 18 No. 11 pp. 84-92
Pore?Throat Tube, Finite Element Method, Newtonian Fluids, Flow in Porous Media, Low Permeability, Pore Configuration.
Simulation of Collective Motion of Self Propelled Particles in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Medium
Israr Ahmed, Inayatullah Soomro, Syed Baqer Shah, Hisamuddin Shaikh
Vol. 18 No. 11 pp. 109-115
Self-propelled particles, Collective motion, Obstacles.