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A Data Integration Approach Based on Indexation
Shokooh Kermanshahani, Hamid Reza Hamidi
Vol. 17 No. 7 pp. 16-20
Data Integration, Heterogeneity, Data warehouse, Mediator, Hybrid approach, Views.
Dealing Issues of Mobile Cloud Computing using 5G Technology
Muhammad Umar, Javed Ferzund, Taimur Sajjad and Syed Muhammad Owais
Vol. 17 No. 8 pp. 246-250
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Wireless Networks, 4G, 5G, Bandwidth, Heterogeneity.
Knowledge Transcendence: Strengthening Knowledge Management Efforts on Modeling Transdisciplinary Knowledge using Artificial Intelligence
Leena Anum, Suleman Aziz Lodhi, Khalil Ahmed
Vol. 18 No. 6 pp. 139-147
Knowledge Heterogeneity, Transdisciplinarity, Sustainability and Knowledge Transcendence.
A Digital Forensic Framework Design for Joined Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Environment
Zayyanu Umar, Deborah U. Ebem, Francis S. Bakpo, and Modesta Ezema
Vol. 24 No. 6 pp. 207-215
Framework, Cloud Computing Heterogeneity, Digital Forensics, Cloud Service Providers.