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Determination of EM Coupling Effect in Dipole-Dipole Method : Complex Image Approach
Mester Sitepu
Vol. 11 No. 3 pp. 62-68
electromagnetic coupling, mutual impedance, complex image, apparent resistivity, reflection coefficient
Removal of Topographic Effects in IP Method Complex Image Approach
Vol. 11 No. 3 pp. 188-196
electromagnetic coupling, mutual impedance, complex image, apparent resistivity, topographic effect, anomaly
Mobility and QoS Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Sarra Benoubira, Mounir Frikha, Sami Tabbane
Vol. 11 No. 9 pp. 82-90
heterogeneous wireless networks, coupling, HMIPv6, QoS, MRSVP, handover
Measuring Coupling and Cohesion to Evaluate the Quality of a Remodularized Software Architecture Result of an Approach Based on Formal Concept Analysis
Lala Madiha Hakik, Rachid El Harti
Vol. 14 No. 1 pp. 11-16
Metrics of cohesion, Metrics of coupling, Remodularization, Software architecture, FCA