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Curvature Anisotropic Gaussian Filter for MRI brain Images enhancement and edge preserving
Shaima Abd El-Kader, Mohamed Morse, Mohy Eldin A. Abo-Elsoud, and Rasheed MokhtarEl-Awady
Vol. 15 No. 10 pp. 6-11
MRI T1 T2 Anisotropic Smoothing Diffusion PDE¡¯s, Tensor valued Geometry Denoising ADF SSIM CADF PDE component SS
Vol. 15 No. 11 pp. 21-26
Computer Technologies as A Method to Create A Contemporary Ex-Libris
Julia Romanenkova, Ivan Bratus, Anastasia Varyvonchyk, Denis Sharikov, Olga Karpenko, Olena Tkachuk
Vol. 22 No. 6 pp. 332-338
ex-libris, bookplate, CGD, CAD, computer technologies, computer graphics
Accurate Detection of Pulmonary Nodule and False Positive Reduction with Faster R-CNN and ResNet Models
Taghreed Alzahrani, Suhare Solaiman
Vol. 25 No. 2 pp. 1-10
Keywords: Pulmonary nodule detection; false positive reduction; Faster R-CNN model; ResNet model; CT images; CAD