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A Method in Applying Psychology to Multimedia Design and HCI Education
Idyawati Hussein, Esmadi Abu Abu Seman, Mohd. Hairy Mohamaddiah
Vol. 9 No. 12 pp. 134-142
Human information processing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), cognitive advisor, multimedia systems, bottleneck, Malaysia
A Suitable Mathematical Model of PET for FEA Drop-Test Analysis
Mohammad kh.Abunawas
Vol. 10 No. 5 pp. 215-219
PET, FEA, Drop test, bottle
A Review on Distributed Denial of Service
Usman Ali, Abu ul Hassan, Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Arshad Malik, Syed Kashif Hashmi, Bushra Aslam, Basit Ayub
Vol. 18 No. 8 pp. 139-143
DDoS, botnet, Syn flood, ICMP flood and UDP flood.
Internet of Things (IoTs): Architecture, Evolution, Threats and Defense
Ahmed Redha Mahlous
Vol. 19 No. 1 pp. 56-67
IoT, Attacks, Security, Confidentiality, RFID, Botnet