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Automatic Construction Algorithm for Multi-class Support Vector Machines with Binary Tree Architecture
Gexiang Zhang, Weidong Jin
Vol. 6 No. 2 pp. 119~126
Support vector machines, Resemblance coefficient, Radar emitter, Binary tree architecture
An Architecture to Support Adaptive E-Learning
Vincenza Carchiolo, Alessandro Longheu, Michele Malgeri, Giuseppe Mangioni
Vol. 7 No. 1 pp. 166-178
Intrusion Detection System, LAMSTAR, Gaussian Mixture, SOM, Radial Basis Function, Binary Tree Classifier, ART
Intrusion Detection using an Improved Competitive Learning Lamstar Neural Network
V.Venkatachalam, S.Selvan
Vol. 7 No. 2 pp. 255-263
Intrusion Detection System, LAMSTAR, Gaussian Mixture, SOM, Radial Basis Function, Binary Tree Classifier, ART.
Some Parallel Algorithms Based on Parentheses Matching on Linear Arrays with Optical Buses
Young-Hak Kim
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 125-130
Optical buses, Parentheses matching, Binary tree, Infix/postfix expression