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A Genetic Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Problem of the Load-Balancing of Network Load
Yongfa Ling, Deyu Meng
Vol. 6 No. 7 pp. 63-68
Traffic engineering, balanced load, genetic algorithm
Agent Simulation Based on Perceptual Balance
Akira Notsu, Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda
Vol. 6 No. 12 pp. 50-54
Agent-based simulation, Communication networks, Emergence system and Perceptual Balance
Research and application of Distributed Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on PC Cluster
Keyan Liu, Wanxing Sheng, Yunhua Li
Vol. 7 No. 2 pp. 157-163
Parallel Genetic Algorithm, Load balance, Individual migration, Cluster computing
A Novel Approach for Effective Dynamic Load Balancing by using Tendensive Weight
K.Shahu Chatrapati, K.Purna Chand, Y.Ranjith Kumar, A.Vinaya Babu
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 42-48
HPC, Load Balance, CPU utilization, Memory exploitation, Tendensive Weight